Dengue Virus
My niece was confined to the hospital after 3-5 days on and off fever. Her mother tried to take care of the situation on her own and on these period she tried to give her paracetamol to ease the fever but she said it seemed there was no effect on her till my niece vomited all the small amount of food she ate and after mysister called me, I immediately informed her to bring my niece immediately to the hospital for she possibly has a dengue fever. Right after series of laboratory tests and the doctor informed my sister that she was indeed infected by dengue virus. We were worried because dengue fever is rampant in our barangay these days and its the leading cause of death among children if not treated immediately. They were admitted at the hospital in our province for 3 days but my niece wasn't getting any better and my sister was so worried because the platelets of my niece dropped to 38 and my niece kept on crying of the pain and my sister said that it seemed that the doctors were not doing anything and there bills were getting higher. So my sister decided to sign a waiver and decided to go home.
Home Remedy
At home they boiled one liter of water with a Mangagaw or Taua Taua plants (scientific name Euphorbia hirta)and let my niece to always drink it and also bought mott's for her to drink. I still let my sister to bring my niece in the city because in case there was an emergency, there are lots of hospitals near to our place. After my sister brought my niece I can still see and feel that she's still physically weak and when she said that her whole body was itching, then I immediately rushed her to the nearest hospital I was afraid if the itchiness is the result of too much low of platelets count.Water can cure dengue
My niece was admitted again and the doctor just put a dextrose on her and keep on saying to let her drink lots of water so that she keeps on peeing and she will become better. For the 3 days of her admission, she only drank water and I made sure that every hour she drank 3 (150 cc) of water. The doctor explained to us that there is really no medication or drugs that can cure dengue but just let the patient drink much water and pee as often as possible because it can elevate the platelets count and can cure her. I can attest it, it really works, the platelets of my niece went up to 153 to 163 on the next result and on the third day in the hospital, the doctor removed the dextrose and after a couple of hours, we were out in the hospital and my niece is now getting better. She is once again active.**To those who have a friends or relatives that experiencing dengue fever, don't lose hope.
WATER IS THE CURE. Make sure to let the patient drink as much water as he/she could, the better and faster for her to be cured.
Mangagaw or tawa-tawa is the best herbal plant to cure dengue patient. Its scientific name is Euphorbia Hirta. Several cases have been cured already because this plant has the ability to increase platelet count at the highest level. Using this medicinal plant is one of several ways on how to increase platelet counts naturally which is best in treating dengue illness. Also another known herbal cure for dengue is the flower of the male papaya. It is said that its effect is next to mangagaw and it is often practiced in oriental countries.